Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Sun And The Moon.

Through the hustle and bustle of life how often do you have moments where you can truly appreciate the simplicity and power of the world around you? How many sunrises and sunsets do you get to take in and use for inspiration and charge?

The last few months have been challenging within my professional life to say the least. Long hours, responsibilities beyond what hours in the day allocate. The sun has rose and set many days without so much as a glance from me. My family, friends, hobbies, interests and care have taken a backseat to running a business that needed my attention.

Today is the first day that I truly have a week that I can call my own in what seems like forever. No obligations, no work, no long hours...just freedom, freedom to do the things that feel right to recharge, balance and gain my world back.

We all must demand the opportunity for balance in our life. Appreciate the world around you and the magic that you have the opportunity to be a part of it. As I reconnect with friends I have not seen since work picked up, reconnect with my environment and reconnect with myself I will be filled with gratitude and peace. This week will be beautiful.

The Sun And The Moon.

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