Within each of us there is a different beat and something unique that makes all of us walk and move in a different way. If you were to ask our parents what we were like as kids that would speak to the unique and different person that we organically are. Look at kids..really watch them and their personalities and mannerisms. Some are boisterous, silly, shy, serious, introspective..you see them for who they are in their raw form but no matter what you find no child lacks imagination.
Little Lala was loud, silly, said things that made the grown ups mouth drop once in a while and loved bright colors and toys that could keep up with the story lines running through her mind. Not much has changed as you all know, including the toys however in every day I see the pressure that life places to get us to change our tune from the beat of our own drum to the beat that is already playing.
Resist it. Honor the kid in you that created and lived in a limitless world of imagination and expression. Be bold, be proud of yourself but most importantly..be yourself. Your happiness and our world is depending on it.
Opposed To The Typical.
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