It all starts with where you're from but in no way does where you are from determine where you are. We all have this amazing story..even if you feel as if you have not lived an extraordinary life I can promise you that you have. Now, not to get all Kathy Lee on you and sing "Everyone has a story" because it gives me a migraine just thinking of her but the idea is true. Every one of you does have an amazing story to tell. How you got from point A to point B is nothing short of a fact, the fact that you are even at a point B and en route to even a point C is something to share and celebrate.
So, where are you from? What got you to where you are today? Really take a moment to think of all of the growth and learning's. Mistakes you made, positions that you were placed in that were less than desirable. The moments in your life that brought you to the "Why me?" thoughts. Looking back, how did you benefit from them? Celebrate where you were.
Now think of all the love that has surrounded you in your life. Think of who were the mentors that assisted in shaping who you are today? Who are the people that impacted you? Celebrate them. Let all of their inspiration that they gave you carry on into your life even after you remembered that you needed them. Use their inspiration to re inspire yourself at this point in your life and even better, use that inspiration to inspire others in need of a mentor.
Wherever you are today, it took a lot to get you here. Be proud and grateful for all of that journey and use that gratitude to carry you on to your next destination. The road is not consistent. You will have hardships, disappointments but you will also have love and joy. Celebrate it all. Past, present, future.
Where You're From.
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